Delivery devices & components we assemble

We offer a variety of format options to meet your specific product needs, regulatory requirements, and patient preferences. Explore the patient-friendly delivery devices we support, as well as the specialized components we provide for syringe-based products.

Woman assembles autoinjector
Autoinjector parts
Autoinjectors (1.0 mL & 2.25 mL)

Compliance-enhancing convenience 

One of today’s most popular delivery devices, autoinjectors can be a valuable way to support long-term self-administration of your syringe-based product.  


  • Simplifies single-dose delivery
  • Precise, fully automatic injection
  • Easy to handle, even with limited dexterity

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Pen disassembled
Injector pens (1.5 mL & 3.0 mL)

Compact, multi-dose format

These cartridge-based devices provide your patients with a user-friendly way to select and administer multiple precise doses of your therapy.


  • Simplifies regular and/or variable dosing
  • Enables precision dose selection
Safety syringe assembled and components
Safety devices (1 mL & 2.25 mL)

Greater protection for syringe users

Needlestick injuries remain a risk for patients and HCPs who use any injectable drug product. A safety device is an effective way to enhance your therapy’s user safety profile.


  • Enhance patient safety
  • Reduced risks for HCPs


Plunger rod
Plunger rod
Controlled product delivery

Mounted on the stopper of your syringe, the plunger rod is critical to ensuring smooth, consistent delivery of your injectable therapy.

When a user pushes on the plunger to start administering your product, the rod transfers that activation force directly to the stopper. This directed force pushes the medication from the syringe to the patient in a steady, controlled flow.

Finger flange
Finger flange
Enhanced user safety

A finger flange is an additional component that can be applied over a syringe’s finger rest to give users a more secure grip.

This injection-molded plastic part enables better, more tactile control during delivery, reduces finger-stick risks, and helps ensure appropriate administration of your therapy.

Securing syringes during shipping & handling

This mechanical braking component helps prevent unintended withdrawal of a syringe’s stopper or plunger rod. During production, the backstop is integrated directly into the syringe’s finger rest for added product security.

Device Assembly and Secondary Packaging contact

Connect with us

Looking for the right device assembly and packaging strategy for your injectable product? Reach out to our team of experts to discuss how we can support you.

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