Making good even better: Vetter in the EcoVadis sustainability ranking
Thinking ahead, implementing visions, looking to what's ahead: all of this is what distinguishes us – including when it comes to sustainability. This makes us a valuable partner for all those who also think sustainably. And it makes us more and more successful in the awards that really matter to us – for example, in the sustainability ranking of EcoVadis.
EcoVadis creates international sustainability rankings for global supply chains. In the current ranking, we are among the “top 1%” of companies across sectors and thus secure the EcoVadis Platinum Medal. That alone is a great success for us. However, we are particularly pleased that we were able to increase our overall score by comparison with the last ranking: from 72 points (out of 100 possible) in 2022 to a total of 79 points in 2023 – this is a really significant improvement that we have earned ourselves with various measures. These include:
- our commitment to the UN Global Compact
- our transparency in the context of the sustainability report
- the introduction of new initiatives, such as supplier evaluation for sustainable supply chains
- our risk analyses for people and the environment
Of course we are happy about this great rating and the Platinum Medal. But kicking back and relaxing is out of the question. We will improve even further – with this great rating as a motivating tailwind.