
Sales Offices

Our sales teams are strategically located in dynamic biopharma markets around the world. Each of these offices provides local, regional, and global support to fuel our customers’ success.

Illustration Person am Computer weiß
Weltkarte der Standorte
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Discover our global capabilities

Need support for your sterile injectable therapy? Reach out any time to learn more about our services, and how we can partner with you to advance your product’s success.

Connect with our experts

  • Illustration Headquarter Gebäude weiß
    Headquarters & administration

    Explore the facilities in Ravensburg, Germany, that house our global HQ, legal team, training units, QA services, audit resources, and more.

  • Illustration Vetter Arzneimittelherstellung weiß
    Clinical Development

    Explore our state-of-the-art sites in the US and EU, and learn more about the flexible, high-quality support they provide.

  • Illustration Facharbeiter in der Produktion weiß
    Commercial Manufacturing

    Learn more about our cutting-edge facilities in Southern Germany where we support the global supply of our customers’ injectable products.

  • Illustration Labor weiß
    Visual inspection

    At our visual inspection facilities in Ravensburg, Germany, we safeguard the quality of our customers’ products with both manual and automated inspections.

  • Illustration Logistik weiß

    Learn more about the Ravensburg site that’s home to our logistics services and a warehouse for non-pharmaceutical goods.

  • Illustration Verpackung weiß

    Our facility for secondary packaging and device assembly. It´s located in the Mariatal Industrial Area.