Upcoming free webcast: “Going to Market in an Autoinjector”

Going to market in an autoinjector

Update: The webcast is now available on-demand.

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Autoinjectors have quickly become one of the most popular self-injection formats in the surging global market for parenteral medications. Join us April 19, 9:00 AM PDT or April 20, 10:00 CEDT (17:00 KST) for an in-depth look at this in-demand delivery system.

Hosted by Markus Hörburger and Susanne Hall, combination product experts from Vetter’s Secondary Packaging team, these two webcasts will focus on how to build a holistic strategy for launching in an autoinjector. They’ll provide valuable insights on:

  • How to select the right autoinjector for your product
  • How to identity product and packaging factors that can impact your manufacturing strategy
  • How to develop robust assembly and packaging processes for an autoinjector product

If you’re planning the next evolution of your injectable product, this webcast is for you. Come learn how the right autoinjector can add substantial value to your injectable medication, and how to prepare for this complex launch.