Production and Engineering

Gain first-hand experience of production and technology.

You want to see how the big facilities work while you're still studying? In Vetter's Production and Engineering departments, you can gather experience early on — needless to say, with fair payment!

Portraitbild von einer Mitarbeiterin in Laborkleidung

College students who would like to gain practical experience in Production and Engineering while studying can do so within the scope of mandatory or voluntary internships. You will get to know the varied work environment in the area of plant engineering at Vetter and accompany our products from delivered packaging material to syringes packed in blister packs. Or you can discover our Pharmaceutical Production department with its interfaces to the Engineering, Quality Assurance and Quality Control departments and take over subtasks in quality-optimization and process-improvement projects. Moreover, we offer you the opportunity of writing a thesis focusing on pharmaceutical technology.

Study internships and theses

We gladly give college students the opportunity to gain insight into the professional life within the scope of an internship or to successfully complete their diploma, bachelor or master thesis in our company. During your internship, you will support us in ongoing projects as well as operative and strategic tasks. You will also have the opportunity to independently work on projects. Make use of the many opportunities to look over the shoulder of experienced colleagues, to ask questions and to share your own ideas.