• Vetter Training Center: The key to the future

    We celebrate the opening of the new Vetter Training Center.

  • Celebrating big: Our apprentices and dual students commemorate their graduation

    Achieving an important milestone, starting a career, and successfully completing an apprenticeship at Vetter – that’s a real cause for celebration! On…

    Vetter Absolventenfeier 2024: der Abschlussjahrgang im Gruppenfoto
  • Welcome to the Vetter Training Center

    Training and development are top priorities at Vetter. And now, they have a new home, in our new Training Center in Ravensburg-West. 

    Das neue Vetter-Bildungszentrum am Standort Ravensburg-West
  • Entdecke Vetter auf Social Media

    Neue Jobangebote. Und was wir bieten.

    Mitarbeitende die draußen laufen

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