• People at Vetter – Jana Mayr, electronics technician intern

    Jana Mayr is training to be an automation technology electronics technician. She goes to school four days a week and to Vetter on the other day. Find…

    Betriebspraktikantin Elektrotechnik Jana Mayr von vorne
  • Entdecke Vetter auf Social Media

    Neue Jobangebote. Und was wir bieten.

    Mitarbeitende die draußen laufen
  • People at Vetter – Angie Sophia Mackert, Warehouse Logistics Apprentice

    Thinking and acting: Angie Sophia Mackert is learning to be a Warehouse Logistics Specialist because it engages both body and mind.

    Angie Sophie Mackert macht bei Vetter eine Ausbildung zur Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik
  • My Stem Cell Donation: The Chance for a Second Life

    My name is Damir Kovacevic, I am 32 years old, and this year I gave a person the chance at a second life through a stem cell donation.

    Damir Kovacevic sitzt auf einer Lounge und lacht in die Kamera
  • People at Vetter – Jana Mayr, electronics technician intern

    Jana Mayr is training to be an automation technology electronics technician. She goes to school four days a week and to Vetter on the other day. Find…

    Betriebspraktikantin Elektrotechnik Jana Mayr von vorne
  • Entdecke Vetter auf Social Media

    Neue Jobangebote. Und was wir bieten.

    Mitarbeitende die draußen laufen
  • People at Vetter – Angie Sophia Mackert, Warehouse Logistics Apprentice

    Thinking and acting: Angie Sophia Mackert is learning to be a Warehouse Logistics Specialist because it engages both body and mind.

    Angie Sophie Mackert macht bei Vetter eine Ausbildung zur Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik
  • My Stem Cell Donation: The Chance for a Second Life

    My name is Damir Kovacevic, I am 32 years old, and this year I gave a person the chance at a second life through a stem cell donation.

    Damir Kovacevic sitzt auf einer Lounge und lacht in die Kamera

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