Vetter goes Social: Apprentices volunteer at the Vesperkirche

Gruppenbild von zwei Auszubildende und einem Ausbilder in der Vesperkirche

Once again, our apprentices participated in the annual Vesperkirche event, in which free meals are dispensed to those in need.

Eine Auszubildende und ein Ausbilder die zusammen in der Vesperkirche Kuchen verkaufen

This year’s Vesperkirche took place in the Evangelical City Church in Ravensburg. Seven apprentices, together with trainer David Schwarz and Claudia Roth, Vice President, HR Education, lent a helping hand. They greeted guests, distributed food, and helped with the cleaning and washing up. More than 11,300 meals were handed out during the three-week event.

The Vesperkirche also offered the opportunity to socialize. Over 500 people visited the Vesperkirche every day, where a variety of cultural activities and entertainment awaited – from rock 'n' roll music and a cappella singing to an afternoon of games.