Paris, London, New York. And a job with a purpose at home.

Industriekauffrau-Azubi Irina reist in ihrer Freizeit gern

Irina is apprenticing to be a commercial clerk. She uses her free time to travel the world. In this interview, she talks about the skills that she finds useful for both work and traveling.

What do you do at Vetter and what do you like about it?

“I’m Irina Hanschu and I am currently in the second year of my commercial clerk apprenticeship. I chose this apprenticeship after finishing commercial high school because of the variety that it offers. We move through many departments here and get a holistic look at business processes, also from different perspectives.”

What do you enjoy doing most in your free time?

“I love to travel. When you’re traveling, you can leave your day-to-day behind and discover new things, get to know different cultures and traditions, or simply relax on the beach with a book and watch the clouds go by. Both provide a form of relaxation, I think, with which we can refresh and rejuvenate ourselves, so that we can tackle the tasks waiting for us at home with renewed energy.”

Die Auszubildende Irina wird Industriekauffrau und steht an ihrem Arbeitsplatz

Which skills are helpful both for your job and your hobby?

“I need good organizational skills for my work and for travel. In both instances, we have to explore new horizons over and again and figure out how to get there. We also need to be flexible, because there are always unexpected surprises. Whether at work or while traveling, you have to be able to adapt to new situations quickly.”

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